Audition Opportunities

Audition Opportunities
at Balletto di Roma

Balletto di Roma currently has no open positions. However, you can fill out the online form to receive updates on upcoming audition dates. You can also send a spontaneous application, using the specific form available on this page, intended for dancers with a solid background in ballet and contemporary technique, suitable for leading roles in the classical repertoire and in the Company’s productions.

Application Procedure
To apply, you must fill out the online form and attach the following material:

– Three short presentation video sequences:
1) Ballet barre, with pointe shoes for women;
2) Variation from the classical repertoire chosen by the candidate;
3) Contemporary choreography or improvisation;

– Educational path and professional curriculum

– Portrait and full-length photos.

Selected candidates will be able to access annual employment contracts, with the possibility of renewal.


Balletto di Roma
via della Pineta Sacchetti, 199 Roma
Tel: +39 06 90375236 / +39 06 9032762

All personal data that the company has come into possession of during the completion of the hearing procedures in question will be processed in compliance with current legislation.

Spontaneous application | Balletto di Roma

Fill out the following form to send your spontaneous application for the Balletto di Roma Company.

Candidate details

Enter the telephone number without white spaces and without any non-numeric characters (+ / | . , ecc.)


Insert a full-length dance photo. Max size: 3 MB | Accepted formats: jpg, jpeg, png

Insert a featured photo. Max size: 3 MB | Accepted formats: jpg, jpeg, png

Brief description of the artistic curriculum and any professional experience already carried out

Allowed files: pdf, doc, docx, ocx, odt, rtf. Maximum size 3 MB


To send your application, you must insert three short presentation video sequences in the fields below: 1 - Ballet barre (with pointe shoes for women); 2 - Variation from the classical repertoire chosen by the candidate 3 - Choreography or contemporary improvisation
Video material must be sent exclusively via this form. To send the video, you must insert the link to the video in the dedicated field (a single link for each field). Any online platform can be used to upload the video (and share the related link), including, for example: - YouTube (online guide) - Vimeo (online guide) - Google Drive - Folder or file (online guide) - DropBox - Folder or file (online help) - OneDrive - Folder or file (online help) - Your website

Insert video link (Vimeo, YouTube, others). Ballet barre (with pointe shoes for women)

Insert video links (Vimeo, YouTube, others). Variation from the classical repertoire chosen by the candidate.

Insert video links (Vimeo, YouTube, others). Contemporary choreography or improvisation.

Come è venuto a conoscenza dell'Audizione del Balletto di Roma?

I declare that I am aware of, have read and approve what is specified in the Regulation, in particular in the "Disclaimer" section, and authorize the processing of personal data. (read the rules)