New Production 2018
Single act for 8 dancers: 4 men and 4 women
in co-production with Festival Oriente Occidente
Choreography Davide Valrosso
Director’s Notes
“A Midsummer Night’s Dream” is one of the most fascinating works of William Shakespeare, a comedy immersed in a fantastic atmosphere, capable of arousing emotions and wonder. In the beginning the work was destined to private representations, while later the text was readapted as a public show. In the balance between this intimate and collective dimension, between surrealism and folklore, the dancers of Balletto di Roma dance company gives rise to the fantastic and dark history of couples of lovers who are lost and chased each other in a labyrinthine forest, made up of pitfalls and seductions.
The new creation by Davide Valrosso reflects on two fundamental themes: magic and dream. Magic is nothing but love, symbolized in the comedy by the juice of a magical flower that acts on the eyes: itís, in fact, with the gaze that we fall in love for the first time scrutinizing the object of desire. Another theme is the dream, so prevalent that reality and fantasy come to merge, amplifying the gaze on an a-temporal event. The oneiric element is rendered by the presence of living and impalpable bodies that dance to animate Puck, an unreal but always present creature that moves, even without intending it, the threads of human relationships. Puck is vitality and chaos, fun and games, without malice. Puck is the impetuous and joking infant that is inside each of us.
In choreographic terms, the key figure is to be found in a fluid passage from academic elements to a more material dance: ambivalent paths that nourish one another, in a continuous migration from the ethereal to the corporeal. Through an intermittent focus on selected situations, the actions overlap as in a crossfade, incorporating gazes full of imagination. Dancers in pastel colors and a dreamy white scene imagine themselves immersed in the same substance, made of subtle materials that whisper and do not describe. The choreography of the duets and the group parts amplifies a density of voluminous presence enough to give the body and the scenography a tangible and intangible consistency: the unreal spirits of the characters will materialize in a totally surreal world, but that speaks to us from close.
Shakespeare makes us realize how we human beings are insignificant in the face of things we canít control in any way. It makes us reflect on how chaos can be the creator of our destiny, since nothing can be done – at least apparently – to combat it. Through the dance of his “Dream, a midsummer night” Valrosso suggests to cultivate the transformative sense of this chaos made of deception, jealousy and tenderness, welcoming the power that thoughts, words and gestures have to make us abandon inexorably to the beauty.
Davide Valrosso
Davide Valrosso, artista associato al Festival Oriente Occidente e a VAN, associazione culturale.
Dopo essersi diplomato all’English National Ballet, ha studiato in numerosi centri di formazione contemporanea quali London Contemporary, Rambert School, Rafineri. Per cinque anni ha lavorato stabilmente con la compagnia Virgilio Sieni, sia come danzatore che in qualità di performer e formatore all’interno dell’Accademia sull’Arte del Gesto. Come interprete ha collaborato con artisti visivi e coreografi, tra cui Tino Sehgal, Paolo Bronstein, Ariella Vidach, Laura Corradi, Paolo Mohovich, Gustavo Ramirez, Jacopo Godani, Eugenio Scigliano, Raymond Sullivan, Daniele Ninarello, Antonello Tudisco, Raphael Bianco, Pascal Touzeau, Cristina Rizzo, Fabrizio Favale. Attualmente impegnato come danz’autore nel progetto Cosmopolitan Beauty, prodotto da Cango_Centro di produzione sui linguaggi del corpo e della danza e supportato dal Teatro Pubblico Pugliese (selezione Anticorpi 2016), e nel progetto We_Pop, prodotto dal Festival Oriente Occidente. È stato selezionato per la NID Platform 2017 ed è inoltre coinvolto nel progetto Prove D’autore XL, edizione 2017, nell’ambito del quale ha creato “We are not alone” per il Triennio del Balletto di Roma, sotto la direzione di Roberto Casarotto. Da gennaio 2018 sarà impegnato nella creazione di un nuovo solo, “Biografia di un corpo”, prodotto da Kilowatt/Capotrave, nell’ambito del progetto europeo Be SpectACTive! Il nuovo lavoro debutterà in luglio 2018 durante Kilowatt Festival. In settembre 2018 sarà impegnato nella creazione di “70.000”, un progetto di formazione per l’Accademia Nazionale di Danza di Roma. I lavori di Davide Valrosso sono stati presentati in numerosi festival e rassegne in Italia e all’estero.