Paolo Barbonaglia

Paolo began his dance studies in his hometown, Robbio (PV), and since 2011 at the “Artedanza Training Center” of Novara, directed by Barbara Gatto, she has studied classical, modern and contemporary technique. During his specialization, he trained in classical dance with Alexandru Frunza, Bella Ratchinskaya, Elisabetta Terabust, Carla Fracci, Raffaele Paganini; in contemporary technique with Barbara Gatto, Francesca Frassinelli, Mauro Astolfi, Lukas Timulak, Emanuele Soavi. He has won the international competitions “YAGP PARIS 2017”, “Rieti Danza Festival” and “Città di Spoleto”. He also has some television experiences, such as “Amici di Maria De Filippi 15” and as a professional dancer in the program “Stasera Casa Mika”. He was also selected as a model for a “Levi’s 501” fashion show in Milan. Among his experiences he danced at the Pinacoteca Di Brera in Milan, in June 2017, in the choreographies of Matteo Bittante. He has done several workshops with European companies such as “Malandain Ballet Biarritz”, “Ballet Junior de Genève (BJG)” and “Delattre Dance Company (DDC)”. In 2017 he joined the Company of Balletto di Roma, being immediately chosen for the production “Bolero | Trip-Tic” by Giorgia Nardin/Francesca Pennini/Chiara Frigo and then the year later interpreting many important roles, such as Romeo in “Juliet and Romeo” by Fabrizio Monteverde, Iago in “Othello” by F. Monteverde. Always in 2018, he has joined productions such as “Giselle” by Itamar Serussi and Chris Haring, “Arcaico” by Davide Bombana, “I dream, a midsummer night” by Davide Valrosso, “Intro” by Andrea Costanzo Martini, then “Io, Don Chisciotte” by F. Monteverde (2019), “L’Albero dei Sogni” by Valerio Longo (2019), “Premiére” by Andrea Costanzo Martini (2020) and “Astor, one century of Tango” by Valerio Longo (2021). In 2022 he was also involved in the short film RADIX III, curated by Cristiano Leone, with choreography by Iratxe Ansa and Igor Bacovich, shot at the Galleria Borghese in Rome