Marco D’Agostin è un artista attivo nel campo della danza e della performance. La sua poetica è fluida, dinamica, in adattamento continuo. Nei suoi lavori riecheggiano Frequentazioni con gli atlanti geografici, l’opera di M. P. Shiel, i cataloghi di creature estinte e le iconografie generate da vid...
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Nato a Roma, Valerio Longo si forma presso il Liceo Coreutico di Torino e già durante gli anni di studio partecipa alle produzioni della Compagnia del Teatro Nuovo di Torino. Dopo il diploma, lavora come solista nella compagnia Danza Prospettiva di Vittorio Biagi e, successivamente, nel Balletto di...
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Andrea Costanzo Martini was born and raised in Italy where he received his first education in contemporary dance and ballet. At the age of 19 he moved to Munich, Germany where he attended the Heinz-Bosl Stiftung Ballet Akademien and in 2004 he began his professional carrier as a Ballet Dancer in th...
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Born in Milan, Davide Bombana studied ballet at the Ballet School of La Scala and graduated in 1977. His debut that year, with the Balletto della Scala was in the title role of Béjart’s The Firebird. He was promoted to soloist and then principal dancer, performing ballets by Maurice Béjart, Glen Te...
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The Austrian choreographer Chris Haring has worked with choreographers and companies such as DV8 Physical Theatre (London), Nikolais/Luis Dance Cie (USA), man act (GB), Nigel Charnock (GB), pilottanzt, a.o.. Together with the multimedia artist and composer Klaus Obermaier he created the video-dance ...
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Contemporary dance teacher Dancer and choreographer, Paolo Mangiola lives between Rome and London and works as a freelance artist within the whole of Europe. During his career as a professional dancer, he has worked for some of the best international contemporary dance companies. Alongside his work...
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Alessandro Sciarroni is an Italian artist who is active in the Performing Arts’ field following several years of training in the visual arts and in theatrical research. His works have been performed in contemporary dance and theatre festivals, museums and art galleries, as well as unconventional spa...
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Mauro Astolfi is one of the most representative authors of the European contemporary scene. By working as a choreographer and teacher at an international level, Astolfi created an original and constantly evolving style and language, which was a result of a personal rielaboration of the different exp...
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Étoile guest of many important theatres and companies such Zurich Opera, Arena di Verona, Ballet National de Cuba, he counts amongst his partners C.Fracci, A.Ferri, L. Savignano, G.Panova, and R.Nureyev. He performed and created roles for choreographies by important artists of the Twentieth Century ...
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Described by Vittoria Ottolenghi as “ of the best jazz dancers in the world”, he is the undisputed protagonist of Bob Fosse’s famous musical “Dancing”, which was performed worldwide for five years without interruption. He created the choreographies “All the Jazz” (2003) and “La Favola di Amor...
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Valentina di Febo trained and perfected her hip-hop studies both in Italy and abroad: in Paris at the prestigious Harmonique and Paris Centre; in Los Angeles at the Millennium dance Complex. She is currently the artistic director of the hip-hop section of Accademia di Danza “Il Sole”. The choreograp...
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Giorgio Madia trained at the Teatro alla Scala ballet school and was the soloist for Ballet du XXème siècle, Béjart Ballet Lausanne, Aterballetto. In 1988 Rudolf Nureyev chose him to be the partner for M. Bejart’s pas de deux “Le Chant du compagnon errant”. Following his career as a dancer he became...
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Giorgio Mancini attended Accademia Nazionale di Danza di Roma and perfected his training at Maurice Béjart’s Mudra school with the teacher Jan Nuyts, before becoming the soloist of the Ballet du XXème siècle and later the Béjart Ballet Lausanne. He was the artistic director of the Maggio Musicale Fi...
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Mario Piazza trained as a classical dancer with Susanna Egri in Italy and as a modern dancer in New York (Alvin Ailey School and Martha Graham School). Having perfected his studies with Peter Gross, he performed as a soloist with the Lindsay Kemp Company and Moses Pendleton’s Momix. He created “Ghet...
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Choreographer and dancer, member for seven years of the Lucinda Childs Dance Company, Michele Pogliani, after the conclusion of his ten-year experience with the American company, founded in Rome in 1997 his own Company, with which he produced many performances presented in Festivals and Theatres bot...
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Paolo Santilli graduated from Accademia Nazionale di Danza in 2001. During the same year, he became a part of the Balletto di Roma ensemble under the supervision of Cristina Bozzolini, where he remained until 2008 as a dancer and later returned as a guest performer until 2012. During this time he to...
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Following his graduation from the Teatro alla Scala dance school in 1992, Gianluca Schiavoni became a part of the corps de ballet by undertaking soloist and primo ballerino roles. From 2006 he has dedicated himself to choreography and has created Andromeda (2006/Teatro Manzoni di Pistoia), Orion (2...
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An Amsterdam resident, Itamar Serussi Sahar (Israel, 1978) began his dance training at the age of fifteen at the Israel Arts High School and School of Bat-Dor Dance Company. In 1998 he became a part of the Batsheva Dance Company. From 2006 he has been working on developing his own personal style as...
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One of the most renowned choreographers of contemporary dance in Italy and abroad, Milena Zullo was awarded in 1995 the first prize at the prestigious International Choreography Contest “Prix Volinine” (Paris). In 1989 she founded the contemporary dance company AterBalletto, of which she has been au...
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